          〈 職人英語通)少理酒肉朋友!Stay away from the fair-weather friends. 〈 職人英語通)少理酒肉朋友!Stay away from the fair-weather friends. 文/Dr.J.J. 我們常常都覺得自己有不少朋友,但有幾個 商務中心是真心的,會在我們困頓時候,挺身而出支持我們的呢?中文裡,我們可能會用「酒肉朋友」這句話來形容一些只會陪你吃吃喝喝、在你順遂時 術後面膜可以一起享樂的人。然而在英文裡,則是用〞fair-weather(好天氣)〞來做隱喻。 所以呢,好天氣才會出現的朋友〞fair-weather friends〞也就與中文裡常說的 房屋貸款那種「只能同安樂、不能共患難」的酒肉朋友無異。想當然爾,這樣的朋友要是遇到下雨天(rainy day),也就是你有困難時候,可會連個影子都看不見呢。 Benny:Hey, surprise s 新成屋urprise! Why are you all alone at the office today. This is Sunday, isn’ t it? Benny:嘿,真令人驚訝!你一個人還在辦公室幹嘛?今天不是禮拜天嗎? Hans:I came in to finish my m 建築設計arketing plan but with only myself to rely on, it’ s just so hard. Hans:我進來把行銷企劃案弄完啊,可是只有我一個人,真的好難呢。 Benny:Why didn’ t you call your mates to come in and help? I 花蓮民宿always saw you hanging out with your team mates after work. Benny:怎麼不叫你的死黨們也來幫忙?我老看到你跟你們組員下班一起出去的啊。 Hans:Oh, don’ t start on that. I called all of them but no one is availabl 房屋買賣e today. It seems that I’ m the only one responsible for the plan. They just can’ t care less. Hans:噢,別提了。我有打給他們,結果沒一個人今天有空,好像這案子只有我一個人負責似的,他們一點都不在意。 Benny:I told you to s 房屋貸款tay away from those fair-weather friends. They call you brother when it’ s all sunny but when you need them to help, they evaporate like air. Benny:我早告訴你少理那些酒肉朋友了。你好的時候,他們跟你稱兄道弟的,等到你需要他們幫忙的時?禮服唌A卻一個個好像人間蒸發了。 Hans:Yes, thank you for reminding me that again. Hans:是啊,謝謝你再次提醒我。 (本單元固定每週三、四見刊) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉食材  .

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